How do I beat inflation? Everyone wants to know these days, with the quickly increasing costs of food, energy, rent, used cars, and consumer goods front and centre in our minds. Add on weather-related disasters, supply chain disruptions, and record money printing and deficit spending by governments, and inflationary pressures look downright scary. Since the middle of 2020, living costs…
Tag: retirement
Welcome to tags! Here you will find all the relevant blog posts and content tagged with or discussing the term “retirement”.
Make the Most of Your Investments
Introduction How do you make the most of your investments? Once you’ve mastered the basics, this is the next big question. In my experience, there are four main areas to consider to maximize your investments. This is true regardless of whether you’re a DIY investor or working with a financial advisor. In this article, we’ll take a look at all…
Investing for Beginners
Intro Investing is a broad and far-reaching topic, and one that can be completely overwhelming for beginners. Over the years, I’ve had so many friends and family members ask me how to get started. In this piece, I’ll try to break it down for you, and share the steps that I went through myself. What follows is a summary of…
Liquid Net Worth
Liquid net worth is an unfamiliar term for most people. Many know about net worth, but few understand liquid net worth, what it means, and why it is important. This article will explore the term and unpack its usefulness. What is liquid net worth and how is it calculated? While net worth measures the value of all the assets you…
Money News – January 2020
Personal Finance in the News – January 2020: Welcome to January’s Money News, and a brand-new decade! Here are a few personal finance focused news articles that grabbed my attention this January: Read: In this article, Jamie Golombek at the Financial Post explains how the CRA has redesigned the T1 Personal Income Tax form for the coming tax year. Are…
Money News – December 2019
Personal Finance in the News – December 2019: Here is December’s Money News: Read & Watch: Daniel Tencer at The Huffington Post explores the differences between American and Canadian finances. This article also explores how the differences highlight potential financial lessons, warnings, and opportunities. Read: Surviscor has released its 2019 Online Brokerage Review. In addition to providing a good overview…
How to Track Your Net Worth in Excel – YouTube Video
My Money Moves Presents our first YouTube Video: Want to know how to track your net worth in Excel? Some readers of the blog post Net Worth 101 have asked how I track my net worth in Excel. Some have also asked how to use the Excel template available on the Free Financial Resources page. Though the Excel sheet provides…
Net Worth 101
What is Net Worth? Net worth measures how much money you have. The formula for net worth is very easy: Assets – Liabilities = Net Worth Remember, assets are things you own, and liabilities are things you owe (e.g. debt). Here’s a simple example: If all you have is $10 in your pocket, but you owe your friend $3, your…
Seven Financial Rules I Live By
Personal finance can be complicated. For me, I’ve found that simplicity serves me best. Here are some of the basic financial rules I use with my money: 1. Budget & Track Your Spending No matter what your finances are like today, they’ll probably be better if you start tracking spending each month and building a budget. This will let you…