Personal Finance in the News – October 2019:
A quick glance at October’s Money News:
Read: New York Life Insurance Company takes a look at common financial regrets. What do you regret? Or, more importantly, what do you fear regretting in the future? And what can you do today to reduce the chances of regret?
Read & Watch: According to Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan, 80% of Canadians would take a pension over a salary hike. Those golden years sure are important!
Read: Canadian mortgage debt growth is accelerating again after slowing to a multi-year low earlier this year. Vancouver may not be hot any more, but the rest of the country continues to chug along.
Read: According to a recent poll by accounting firm BDO Canada Ltd., half of Canadians live paycheque to paycheque, and more than a third have no retirement savings. Getting in the habit of planning, saving, and budgeting are never easy, but the sooner you start the easier it will be.
Read: MoneySense assesses what each political party’s platform means for your money in the upcoming 2019 Canadian Election. No matter who you vote for, it’s good to know what may be in store for your family’s pocketbook.
Stay tuned and subscribe for more Money News next month. In the meantime, if you’re interested in more things personal finance check out some of my recent blog posts on Seven Financial Rules I Live By or the value of having a Emergency Fund.
Please keep in mind I am not a financial advisor and the opinions expressed are my own. My Money Moves does not provide financial advice – it is an informational website that details my own approach to my own money and personal finances. If you need specific financial help or guidance, please do your own research and seek out a professional who can work with you to reach your goals.